Worship with us!
When it comes to worship, our primary desire is to provide an environment where anyone can worship the Lord. As we worship together, whether in-person or by live stream, it is also important that we connect with one another. We have developed this page as a worship guide to equip you to draw closer to the Lord and to build meaningful relationships with others.
Be prepared to begin worship at 10AM, Sunday morning. Whether you’re meeting in-person or by live stream, we believe it is important that we worship together at the same time. We understand that sometimes life will get in the way and it will be necessary to watch the service at a later time. However, when we worship together live and at the same time, it creates a better overall worship experience. We are more likely to participate, draw closer to God and connect with each other when we regularly worship together.
We need to prepare our hearts for worship. In our busy world, where we are constantly fed information, it can be hard to hear God’s voice. It’s important to schedule your time on Sunday mornings so that we can quiet our hearts and minds in preparation for worship.
Along with our physical location for in-person worship, our live stream is available on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. If you are connecting by live stream, the equipment that you are using (TV, tablet, computer, phone) may dictate which site you prefer to use to access the service. We suggest that you follow/subscribe to our sites in order to more easily connect in the future.
We highly recommend that you download our New Life Believers mobile APP. The APP is designed to help us access content quickly and easily. If using your phone to live stream, you can easily do this from the stream tab in the APP. We also offer a bulletin tab, making it easy to access our interactive bulletin during the service.
It’s 10AM Sunday morning and now is the time to come together! Whether you’re joining us in-person or by live stream, we are united, assembled before God. Let’s worship Him!
We encourage you to participate in singing, prayer and reading Scripture. Worship in a way that you can most powerfully express your love and adoration for the Lord. Ask Him to meet you where you are at and to reveal Himself to you. Approach our time of worship with anticipation, ready to meet with God.
We strive to make our worship time engaging and participatory for those in-person and worshiping at home. Utilize the APP to interact with others during the service. You can say hello, pray together, ask questions, etc. We often use polls to help you to engage and interact with the topics being discussed, take the time to participate. We believe your time of worship will be greatly enhanced when you take the time to interact with God and with the church.
Be The Church
The church was never meant to be an individual, solo experience. Nor should the experience be measured by how much an individual can gain from their experience. The church is the assembly of believers. When believers, followers of Jesus, gather together they unite in worship. This is an opportunity to celebrate Jesus together. As we follow Jesus each day, we experience His love, healing and salvation work. When we come together we exalt Jesus as we share our experiences with each other.
Our worship service gives us the opportunity to connect with one another. Whether in-person, through the website, APP or some other way, we have the opportunity to encourage and bless others. We need to extend these relationships beyond the worship service. Find ways to keep connecting with one another throughout the week. The APP works all week long. We encourage continued use of the prayer wall and message wall.
Our church is growing and we are constantly making new connections! We have developed a page that will help you get to know one another. Whether you new to our church or have been worshiping with us for years, we encourage you to check out our connect page.