I had my meeting with my manager about my schedule yesterday and she presented me with multiple options regarding my schedule. After looking them over Drew and I settled on one that will give us more time off together as well as allow us to work together with youth ministry more than the first proposal they gave me. I am super happy and thankful for this new schedule! The continued prayer is for Drew’s rotation. He was told that his schedule was going to stay the same but then last week heard a rumor his boss may change things around. Please pray for 1) that the Lord would protect Drew’s rotation even if his box decides to change things up and 2) pray that I would have peace as the enemy has been attacking me with anxiety and fear over this situation. If Drew’s rotation changes it will cut our days off together in half, and not allow us weekend days off together including Friday’s affecting our ability to serve in youth ministry together. I know that God is in control and knew about this all before we ever did and am having to continually lay this situation at the foot of the cross as we wait for an official word on his schedule for this year.

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