Praise God for helping Melody’s mom! Thanks for the update. You inspired me to send out an update regarding Bethany’s appointment last week. Praise God for sending us a pediatric gastroenterologist who was experienced, knowledgeable and related well to Bethany. This is the first time we had met her and we are just beginning to find out what’s going on with Bethany’s health. Another praise is that we had to get several labs and tests done this week for Bethany and we got them all done this morning within 90 minutes! It was amazing! Bethany did have a rough day today with symptoms but God helped her and she even wrote a beautiful poem of thanksgiving to God for His care (all on her own after school this afternoon). This seems like it may be a journey to healing but it’s clear that God is in control and carrying her through this trial. Thank you wonderful church family for your love and prayers.

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