Hi everyone! Thanks so much for your continued prayers. It’s been a week of ups and downs but God is at work. My day at the hospital on Sunday was very helpful in that it ruled out some dangerous complications and gave me some rest and insight as to what is going on. Thank you SOOOOO much for praying!
I learned that for some people, the combo of asthma and covid produce complications in the lungs that are neither fully asthma or fully covid. So, at this point, I am dealing with working toward recovery with a lot of rest, breathing treatments and breathing exercises that are meant to open back up areas of my lungs so that I can consistently get to normal oxygen levels. This week has include some late nights, breathing scares and dips as we have tried to figure out medications.
But I am hopeful because my coloring is better and breathing is deeper. Rest still seems critical in keeping my breathing more stable. I am so thankful that my family has long since recovered from their sickness and are back to normal. While I am trusting God’s guidance that my blood oxygen will stabilize this week. The dips, especially at night are unnerving, so prayers that the blood oxygen dips stop would be a HUGE blessing.
Thank you all so much for your love, support and prayers. With all my heart I want to be back at church and see your faces! But am taking this time to learn to trust Jesus more deeply and listen to His guidance more clearly—although I defiently have my moments of freaking out–Jesus helps me get my eyes back on Him….and I know your prayers have a lot to do with that. It takes a lot to slow me down and God is using this time to teach me a lot. Thank you for persevering in praying and caring as this has been a longer road than expected!

Sending lots of love and prayers for you all and your families as I’m resting.

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