Your request will shared on our prayer wall and be visible to the New Life Believers Community.

Your request will be seen by Pastor Dave only.

Prayer List

  • Please pray for my Uncle Mike. He's had complications from a brain tumor. A few weeks ago he fell from a seizure and became unconscious. He has been in a coma since then. My Aunt Dolly has made the decision to let him pass. They will be removing the breathing tube and such on Monday, his birthday, so he can spend it in Heaven. Please pray for the family.
  • Pray for those who are experiencing loss and those who need healing.
  • Please pray for my grandma, Evelyn. She is 93 and in heart failure. Family is coming from out town. Please pray for peace and comfort for her and also for my grandpa, Arnold who is in the same nursing home as well.
  • Please pray for restoration in a relationship

Prayer Request



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